Friday, December 16, 2011

My Antonia

Willa Cather in her novel My Antonia offers her view of life during the pioneer time by telling about Jim Burton and all the residents of the place he lives and their experiences.
My Antonia would be really different if the story was told from Antonia point of view. It would be all about her feelings and how she felt and what it was like for her growing up. Jim's telling the story and talking about his life through that time period and Antonia would have different experiences and stories to tell.
Cather got really realistic with Jim's character. I did not even know she was a women. It seems like she knows how a young man would act and feel. It is unique how a women could write in a man's point of view and know how to do it. She got Jim's character down packed he always seemed like he was a boy in the novel never thought about this question before.
Hmmmm.! Why would he change the title from Antonia to My Antonia? I have a very good reason that makes really good since in to how I think he would change the title. For one he's always had a crush on Antonia and thought she was different from the rest of the girls that lived there. He also grew up with her and taught her how to speak English and had to help her through a tragedy when her father died. So he's really close to her. So that's why I guess he changed the name to My Antonia

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